Sunday, July 3, 2011

i feel sorry for justin bieber?

i feel sorry for justin bieber, im a belieber, but i just feel for him
sometimes, because he is like the biggest teen star on the planet, and
he hasn't had a normal childhood, but he is getting more famous by the
day now, and when i see him it looks like he isn't happy anymore and i
feel bad, and when he got hate for being with selena and apparently
changing i felt so upset because he is a kid, and he has to have his
privacy and social life to, I also think people underestimate him and
his talent, listen to a couple of his songs, or his covers when he was
younger, on youtube, you can't say he has no talent. you cant say he
is gay, either. im not being biased but my brother is the same age as
him, and my brother is just a normal kid and justin isnt really
anymore and sometimes i feel so upset for him... do you agree? Xx

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